Monday, March 2, 2009

A lot on my mind.....

It's crazy how long it has been since I posted. I started this blog because I wanted a place to share, and yet life is so busy, I hardly have time... Today I have so much on my mind.
Recently Aubrey has gone through quite alot. I'm so proud of who she has become and know that with the many blessings she has been given, and earned, there is also the element of opposition. Kids can be so cruel, especially ones with low self-worth. And Aubrey you won that election because of how beautiful you are on the inside as well as the outside. You are such a beauiful dancer/singer and your drive to do your best shows in all you do. Great job on your 4.0 GPA. I'm so proud of you for hanging your head high and not letting them get to you.

I've been thinking about how my oldest son is only 4 years away from leaving the nest and I can hardly believe it. Where does the time go? He is all I could ever hope he would turn out to be. Such a good caring boy. So giving. So talented. I'm so proud of his involvement with school clubs like 'Interact' where their sole purpose is serving in the community. I'm so proud of you Aaron for organizing friends on break to go do a day of service in Tacoma. You are amazing!! And your 4.0 GPA, AWESOME!!! We are so proud of you, my author and pianist!!!

Friday, December 26, 2008

The Snow , The Snow!!

Okay not only was christmas a blast today, but this whole white christmas thing was awesome!! We played in the snow every day. The funniest part was dressing up the kids like they were straight out of "A Christmas Story" . Aidan looked like a little toasted marshmellow! :) Our neighborhood looked like a winter wonderland. We had snowball fights, made an igloo, went sleding with all our neighbors and friends, drank hot chocolate and basically got nothing done for days. And we didn't have to drive a couple of hours away, It was great!!!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

California here we come!!!

Halloween at disneyland! So~oo fun!

L.A. Natural History Musuem
"Dum-Dum, I want Gum-Gum"

My adorable little lolly-tot!!

Father and Son

Okay, it's probably not hard to guess that Frankenstein scared the hee-bee jee-beez out of Aidan. Universal Studios was our first major attraction, and let me just say that if you have children, don't go here in October. It's like walking around in a Freddie Krueger movie!! The shows and rides were fun but we were constantly on the look out for terror!!

Me and Aidan. Good Times!

We love Spongebob! As Aidan says :
"He's Classic"

Jon and me, tee-hee

James looks excited!! Hee-hee. Disneyland is the happiest place on earth! (except for when your 9 and have Pooh Bear's hand on your shoulder :) I wish we could go back today!

My boys! I adore them.

Too funny!! California Screamin' roller coaster. Fits its name.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Beginning of a Blog

view of the sound from our friends sailboat

I love the sea and the sunshine and most of all my family....
Living in Gig Harbor Washington I have found that I have to appreciate every golden ray that shines down on me. With winter upon me for my 10th year in northwest I look to the green beauty all around, I listen to the bark of Tucker(our dog) at the deer eating our shrubs in the front of our home or watch a squirrel run across the fence in the backyard and in turn not think of the warmth of the sun as something wanting but something to look forward to.